When you fell in love with your partner, many physical characteristics that drew you to him were due to a sex hormone called testosterone (T). T initiates the development of masculine traits, such as the following:

  • Deeper voice
  • Facial hair
  • Pubic hair
  • Body hair
  • Denser muscles
  • Strength
  • Sex drive
  • Erections

Unfortunately, as men age, a drop in T can diminish those characteristics. You may notice changes, such as a downshift in sex drive, erectile dysfunction, or moodiness.

You suspect that the changes you’ve detected in your partner result from his lower T levels, but you’re not sure. You may even be reluctant to bring the matter to his attention: Will he feel insulted or emasculated by your suggestion that he has low T?

At Low Testosterone & Weight Loss Center, our expert medical professionals offer TRT as part of men’s health care at our office in Allen, Texas. We test your levels of testosterone and customize therapy to your needs.

Suppose you worry that your partner’s loss of T negatively impacts your relationship. In that case, you may wonder what to do next. How do you know if his T is low, and what can you do about it?

“Low” is relative

What’s “low T” for one man might be normal for another. A blood test might not give you the answers you need unless your partner had his T tested as a baseline level when he was acting and feeling healthy.

There’s a wide range when it comes to “normal” T levels — from 300-1,000 ng/DL. In addition, T levels fluctuate throughout the day. 

While a blood test is essential to establish how much T circulates through your partner’s blood, it may not be sufficient. Your partner may have normal levels but still not feel normal.

Our goal is to get your man back to where he feels his normal should be. When we determine his T is low, we prescribe lifestyle changes and hormone replacement therapy (HRT).

How many symptoms does he have?

A man is more than his T levels. We also look into other conditions that may be responsible for the changes you’ve noticed. Your partner could be depressed, he could have diabetes, or he might have another medical condition. Common signs of low T include the following:

  • Erectile dysfunction (ED)
  • Low libido
  • Fat gain around the middle
  • Scalp hair loss
  • Muscle loss
  • Osteopenia or osteoporosis
  • Moodiness
  • Angry outbursts
  • Depression
  • Brain fog or memory problems
  • Sagging, dry skin
  • Unexplained fatigue

The more your man has symptoms of low T, the more likely it is that reduced T is behind at least some of his struggles. 

You can’t just guess

As medical professionals, we consider the entire person, medical history, test results, and symptoms when evaluating for low T. Even if your partner comes in with every sign of low T, it may not be the answer. 

If you suspect your partner has low T, you may be able to help him with lifestyle changes that influence T levels. Try these suggestions:

  • Eat high-quality proteins, fats, and carbs
  • Get enough sleep every night
  • Cut out alcohol
  • Lift weights and exercise
  • Avoid BPA and other estrogen mimickers
  • Get enough vitamin D
  • Reduce stress

These measures may help your partner feel better and more energized. If they don’t, it’s time to talk to your partner about getting a medical workup for low T.

If you think your partner’s T levels have plummeted, find out more about TRT by calling us today at 214-383-7411. Or, use our online form at your convenience.

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