Your hormones control nearly everything your body does, from your mood to your metabolism. At Low Testosterone & Weight Loss Center, with a location in Allen, Texas, the team provides personalized hormonal assessments and hormone replacement therapy. Your first testosterone level test is free, and the results are usually available within 20 minutes. If you’re concerned about unexplained weight gain, libido loss, or an overall lack of energy, call Low Testosterone & Weight Loss Center or make an appointment online today.

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What is hormone replacement therapy?

At Low Testosterone & Weight Loss Center, the physicians offer hormone testing to identify and treat hormonal imbalances when they’re interfering with your sexual health and quality of life. They provide customized hormone replacement therapy to restore your hormonal balance an alleviate your symptoms.

At Low Testosterone & Weight Loss Center, hormone replacement therapy includes:

  • A team of professional healthcare providers who specialize in identifying and treating hormonal imbalances
  • Comprehensive hormone level testing
  • Rapid and thorough analysis of lab results, symptoms, and your personal and family medical history
  • Customized hormone therapy programs
  • High-quality compounded hormones and pharmacy-grade supplements
  • Nutritional guidance and support
  • Personalized health and fitness recommendations

Your provider at Low Testosterone & Weight Loss Center customizes your hormone replacement therapy program to meet your hormonal needs.

Hormone replacement therapy combines medically supervised natural hormone replacement therapy with customized fitness and nutrition programs to alleviate the effects of hormonal imbalances to improve your health and overall wellness.

What are the signs that I need hormone replacement therapy?

Your hormones control nearly everything your body does including your metabolism, mood, and sex drive. Some of the common signs of hormonal imbalance include:

  • Weight gain
  • Muscle mass loss
  • Osteoporosis
  • Decrease sex drive
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Moodiness
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Poor body temperature regulation and sweating

The team at Low Testosterone & Weight Loss Center monitor your hormone levels with comprehensive blood panels. While blood tests indicate your hormone levels, they don’t tell the whole story. Everyone has unique hormonal needs, and your levels may not be what your body needs even if your levels fall within “normal” range.

What should I expect during hormone replacement therapy?

The team at Low Testosterone & Wellness Center provides a comprehensive exam and blood testing to begin your hormone replacement therapy. They talk to you about your symptoms, lifestyle, and medical history in detail.

You have frequent appointments at the beginning of your hormone therapy treatment, so your provider can monitor your hormone levels and evaluate your symptoms, adjusting your treatment as necessary to optimize your health and wellness.

Call Low Testosterone & Weight Loss Center or schedule a consultation online today to discover if hormone replacement therapy is right for you.